Map    RISÖ. 8,12 ha/20,06 ac. Distance from Lunnabacken: 3,6 km. On Risö in Åsnen, where no man has lived, a dragon brooded on a treasure that someone in troubled times had hidden in the earth hundreds of years ago. No one dared to stay overnight on the island and meet the dragon, although the hidden treasure attracted. However, the farmer on Förarm who owned the dragon island Risö, constantly lived with an idea to get possession of the treasure. It was his treasure and it lay on his land. One afternoon he rowed to Risö. He had his rifle and a large bundle of rags. Most important of all… three cast bullets from silvery inheritance.

Near the place, where the dragon used to show up, he found an alder log on which he dressed his rags. When the dragon showed up at dusk, the farmer fired his first silver bullet. The dragon was hit. In fury the dragon run up to the costumed alder log, tearing and rending of the supposed enemy. The farmer shot his second silver ball and the dragon ravaged the alder log even wilder. The third silver bullet killed the dragon and he fell to the ground. The farmer began to dig under the dead body. He found the hidden treasure as well, and he became a rich and wealthy man. The wealth resulted in no real joy for the farmer. He never managed to retain and handle the treasure. His children got a worse living than their father had before the dragon’s death. All were poor like “church rats”…